Anonymous Functions in Go

Anonymous Functions in Go

In this tutorial, we are going to discuss anonymous functions in the Go languageGo language provides a special feature known as an anonymous function.

An anonymous function is a function that doesn’t contain any name. It is useful when you want to create an inline function.

Anonymous Functions in Go

In the Go language, an anonymous function can form a closure. An anonymous function is also known as function literal.

Declaring Anonymous Functions

Declaration syntax for anonymous function is pretty straightforward. It is no different in syntax than a regular function.


// code 
// Use return statement if return_type are given if return_type 
// is not given, then do not use return statement 
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    func() {
        fmt.Println("Welcome to Waytoeasylearn..!!")
Welcome to Waytoeasylearn..!!

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In Go language, you are allowed to assign an anonymous function to a variable.

When you assign a function to a variable, then the type of the variable is of function type and you can call that variable like a function call as shown in the below example.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    value := func() {
        fmt.Println("Welcome to Waytoeasylearn..!!")

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Please note that you can also pass arguments in the anonymous function.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    func(message string) {
    }("Welcome to Waytoeasylearn..!!")

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You can also pass an anonymous function as an argument into other function.

package main 
import "fmt"

func print(i func(p, q string)string){ 
    fmt.Println(i ("Welcome ", "to ")) 

func main() { 
    value:= func(p, q string) string{ 
        return p + q + "Waytoeasylearn..!!"

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You can also return an anonymous function from another function.

package main 

import "fmt"

func display() func(i, j string) string{ 
    myf := func(i, j string)string{ 
        return i + j + "Waytoeasylearn..!!"
    return myf 

func main() { 
    value := display() 
    fmt.Println(value("Welcome ", "to ")) 

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Please note that anonymous functions can accept inputs and return outputs, just as standard functions do.

Anonymous Functions in Go
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